I often get asked where I buy my printmaking supplies from. Below are details of the tools and materials I use for my linocut workshops, online courses and as a professional artist. Links to suppliers are at the bottom of the page.
If you’d like to learn how to make a linocut print, see my linocut workshops and online courses page for links to each of my courses and workshops.
10 essential tools for linocut printing for beginners

Everything you need to start making your own hand-carved and hand-printed lino prints.
A starter kit of linocut materials and tools for beginners:
Linocut tools: A good beginner set is the Essdee lino cutters and handle set with five lino cutters.
SoftCut lino: Essdee SoftCut lino comes in various pack sizes.
Ink roller or brayer: Essdee rollers or similar. Essdee blue-handled ones are better.
Printing ink: Try water-based printing inks first, such as Speedball block printing ink.
Glass inking slab: I use glass kitchen workshop savers. They're better than the plastic trays, which come in kits.
Smooth cartridge paper: The lighter, the better for hand-burnishing.
Other art and craft materials you may have a home:
Wooden spoon: For hand burnishing, the inked-up lino blocks onto the paper.
Pencils, pens and rubber
Tracing paper
Photocopy paper: For drawing and printing proofs or test prints.
For more details on each ofthe items listed, find out more below.
Learn how to make linocut prints
Online courses and workshops
Which type of lino is best for linocut printing?

Traditional artists' lino
I now use traditional hessian-backed grey linoleum, which some call 'battleship' lino. Traditional lino is made from linseed oil, pine resin, and cork dust. It's harder to carve with cheaper cutters.
Soft cut or easy carve lino
When I first started teaching myself how to cut lino, I used Essdee SoftCut lino. When I teach linocut workshops in my York studio, I use SoftCut or easy-carve lino, made from plastic. As the name implies, cutting is softer, so it is better for cheaper beginners' tools.
Japanese Vinyl
Japanese vinyl is slightly firmer than SoftCut lino. It’s usually black and dark green. As it’s firmer, it is better for use with a press. Artists such as Angela Harding use this.
What are the differences between traditional grey lino and easy carve lino?
Traditional grey lino
Pros: The end of a carving line snaps off, which means you can create different lines and marks more easily.
Cons: It's harder to carve, becomes brittle over time, and needs to be used fresh. I recommend using professional lino-cutting tools.
SoftCut or easy carve lino
Pros: It is easy to carve. You can easily cut shapes out of the lino. It is easy to use with beginners' lino-cutting tools.
Cons: You must carve up slightly at the end to remove the waste lino. Otherwise, it will distort in an etching press. Essdee SoftCut is made from PVC.
Read this Handprinted blog, which tests the difference between types of lino blocks.
What are the best linocut tools?

Beginner lino-cutting tools
Essdee tools are good for beginners to start with as they are inexpensive.
The downside is that Essdee says they should not be sharpened once blunt. They are better for carving SoftCut lino, and I find them harder to use on traditional grey lino.
Professional linocut tools
I use Pfeil linocut tools. I bought the LSC set, which I love, and I use all of them. It's the best present you could ask for! It's worth the investment.
The images above are my LSC Pfeil tools. From left to right they are L 8/7, L 8/3, L 9/2, L 12/4, L 15/2, L 11/0.5.
L 8/7, L 8/3, L 9/2 are U-shaped. L 12/4, L 15/2, and L 11/0.5 are V-shaped. I use V-shaped gauges L 12/4 and L 15/2 for most of my carved lines, as I like the organic variation in line you get with a V-shaped tool. I use L 11/0.5 for fine details. I use U-shaped gauges L 8/3 and L 9/2 to clear smaller details. I use L 8/7 for clearing large areas.
If you have a limited budget and want to buy a couple of Pfeil carving lino tools, I recommend buying:
A very small V tool for carving small details, such as L11/0.5.
A medium V tool for carving line work, such as L15/2.
A small or medium U tool for line work and/or clearing small areas, such as small L 8/3 or medium U, L 11/3.
To save money, you can usually get away with using your largest U-shaped tool from a beginner's lino-cutting tool set to clear away large background areas.
Lino cutting tools for use by children
Essdee makes a set of safety lino cutters suitable for younger or less experienced users. These have ‘wings’ on each side of the blade to allow for safer lino cutting. I have no personal experience using them. See the Essdee website for details.
Linocut tools demo
For a more in-depth comparison of linocut tools, see my Best linocut tools for carving lino blog. I've compared a selection of linocut tools available in the UK. I've chosen three beginner linocut tool sets and one professional set. Along with a brief description of the pros and cons of each set, I've created a video showing the tools used on different types of lino.
How to sharpen linocut tools
There are various methods for sharpening tools. The best way is to maintain the edge by stropping or honing your tools each time you use them.
How to use Flexcut SlipStrop
The Flexcut Slipstrop is used to strop or hone your linocut tools. It’s a method to maintain a sharp edge on your tool by polishing and deburring the edge. I bought mine from Handprinted.co.uk. This is a useful YouTube video demonstrating how to use the Flexcut SlipStrop. Watch halfway through to sharpen your V- and U-shaped lino tools and gouges. Sharpening carving Tools with Flexcut SlipStrop
Re-grinding and sharpening your linocut tools
If your lino-cutting tools have become blunt over time, I recommend sharpening them professionally. I'm pretty adept at DIY, etc., but sharpening such fine tools is quite an art. Lawrence Art Supplies offers a linocut tools sharpening and regrinding service. I’d love to know if you know anyone in Yorkshire who also provides this service. Laura Boswell’s YouTube channel has some helpful tutorials on how to sharpen your lino-cutting tools.
Note: Entry-level Essdee-type tools can't be sharpened.
What are the best printing inks for linocut printing?

Water-based inks
I recommend using water-based inks if you are making linocut prints at home. They are quick to dry and easy to clean up with soap and warm water, so they are ideal for printing on your kitchen table.
Very cheap inks can result in patchy coverage. For beginners, I recommend paying a little more for ink, if possible. Prices start from £6 per tube. The following are good entry-level water-based inks:
Lucas water soluble relief printing ink. I’ve used these in my courses. (Handprinted have now replaced these inks with Adigraf.)
Adigraf water-based block printing ink - Recommended by Handprinted.
Speedball block printing inks are also good water-based inks for beginners.
Schmincke aqua linoprint inks. Schmincke makes a small starter set of water-based relief inks.
Water-washable oil-based inks
Cranfield Caligo safe wash relief printing inks. I'm a member of Linocut Friends on Facebook, and they are very popular in the group. The oil-based and washable ink can be cleaned with soap and cold water.
Stay Open Oil-based Inks
Hawthorn Printmakers Stay Open oil-based inks. These are the inks I use. The inks are semi-transparent, which means the colours can be layered to create other colours. They also have a luminosity and depth to them, which I love. The inks are stay-open and non-skin. This means I can use the ink on my glass slab all day without it drying on the surface. Hawthorn also makes Say Open Opaque Inks for relief printing. The inks can be cleaned with soap and water, vegetable oil, and a citrus-based cleaner such as Citri-Wash or Zest-It.
Tradtional Oil-based Inks
Cranfield Traditional Relief Inks. A traditional oil-based relief ink. The inks can be cleaned with vegetable oil and a citrus-based cleaner such as Citri-Wash or Zest-It.
What are the best rollers or brayers for linocut printing?
Rollers or brayers are available with rollers that vary from hard to soft. These are measured in Shore. There are different Shore scales for measuring the hardness of different types of materials. The scale measures the hardness of rubber, ranging from soft and flexible to hard and inflexible.
Essdee rollers are good for beginners to start with. Esdee red handle rollers are 70 Shore, and Esdee blue handle rollers are 40 Shore. I prefer using the 40 Shore blue handle roller. Soft blue handle Essdee rollers start at £6.90.
I use Hawthorn Printmaking Supplies 6” and 3” ‘student’ medium rubber rollers. The rollers are 38 Shore. A 6" roller is approx £40.
Ideally, choose a roller that is wider than your lino block. This will make it easier to get an even coverage of ink. It’s not the most important thing. My lino blocks are often wider than my rollers.

How to print a linocut print

Wooden spoon
Before I could afford my etching press, I used my trustee wooden spoon, with lots of rubbing and elbow grease! I still use it for cutout designs that would move and shift in my etching press, such as this print using easy-carve lino.
A baren is a disc-shaped tool, often with a handle on the back. Like a wooden spoon, a barren applies pressure to transfer ink from a linoleum block to paper.
Glass artist Thomas Peitit Glass makes glass printers' barens. Each baren is individually handmade in Derbyshire and available in 12 beautiful colours and three sizes. I’d recommend the medium size barren. Approx £48.
The Slama Press is a type of baren designed for hand printing. The pressure of rotating steel balls in its base transfers pressure. There are far more points in contact with the paper, so the ink will transfer much more quickly. They are expensive, starting at £165, but a far cheaper alternative to buying a printing press. Several members of York printmakers highly recommend them.

Printing Press: Etching presses
An etching press is a machine with two metal rollers. The inked-up lino block and paper are placed on the flatbed of the press. When the handle is turned, the block slides between the two rollers under pressure. I call it my glorified mangle. Obviously, it's a lot more refined than that!
I use a Hawthorn Etching Press. I have the 405 model, which prints up to A3. They make larger and smaller presses.
Printing Press: Lever presses and book presses
Presses that exert a downward pressure are also used. An Albion press is the dream! It’s a model of an early iron hand printing press used for book printing. Smaller bookbinding presses can also be used.
Lever-style, portable relief printing presses have recently become an alternative to etching presses. Prices start at £150. Look at Pooki Press in the UK and Woodzilla in Germany.
Registration multi-coloured prints

There are different ways of lining up your lino blocks and paper for multi-coloured lino prints. For the reduction print and multi-block method, I make a registration jig from card. Ternes Burton registration pins and stripping tabs ensure the most accurate registration. I explain this in detail on my How to make a multi-block linocut print online course.
Ternes Burton registration pins
Ternes Burton is a small company in Minnesota, USA, widely known for making register pins and stripping tabs.
Ternes Burton register pins are buttons welded to a stainless steel base.
The register pins work with stripping tabs or can be inserted directly through holes made by a hole punch.
Available in two pin heights: 0.085in and 0.055in.
This means that the button is:
0.085in register pin: 1/4” diameter and 0.085” (2.16mm) high
0.055in register pin: 1/4” diameter and 0.055”(1.397mm) high
The pin needs to be lower than the depth of the lino. The 0.085-inch pins are slightly lower than the depth of traditional lino and suitable for putting through a press. These are the ones I use.
Ternes Burton striping tabs
Ternes Burton stripping tabs are made from mylar, a type of plastic. The round hole clips onto the pin of the register pin. The tabs are attached to the back edge of the printing paper. They can be bought in bags of 100 plus. ST1 has a 1/4” hole,
An office hole punch can be used to punch holes in the printing paper instead of using tabs. Sizes vary. My UK hole punch is slightly smaller, so it's a snugger fit.
Both are available from Handprinted in the UK and Ternes Burton in the USA.
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UK Suppliers
Great Art: London shop with an online store.
General art supplier and printmaking supplies.
Fred Aldos: Leeds and Manchester shops and online store.
Art and craft supplier. Some printmaking supplies
Handprinted UK: Based in Bogner Regis with an online store.
They sell everything from tools and materials for beginners to professional levels. They are extremely helpful on the phone and offer advice and buying options on their website. Where I buy my Ternes Burton registration pins and water-based block printing inks, they sell Essdee lino tools, rollers, lino and a wide selection of relief printing inks, from water-based inks to professional inks such as Caligo Safewash inks. Supplier of Slama Press’s.
Harry F Rochat: Based in Barnet with an online store.
Specialises in new printing presses, second-hand presses and restoration.
Hawthorn Printmaking Supplies: Based in York with an online store.
Specialises in oil-based printmaking inks, rollers and etching presses. Presses from £1,260. Where I buy most of my supplies. I use their 405 etching press, stay-open oil-based inks, 6” and 3” ‘student’ medium rubber rollers. Sells traditional artists' lino and Essdee Softcut lino.
Intaglio Printmakers: London shop with an online store.
Specialist printmaking supplies.
Ironbridge Fine Arts: Based in Ironbridge with an online store.
Specialises etching presses. Presses from £1,295.
Jackson’s Arts Supplies: Online only.
Paper, printmaking and art supplies. Where I bought my Pfeil lino cutting tools from.
John Purcell Paper: Online only.
Specialist printmaking paper suppliers.
Lawrence Art Supplies: Hove shop with an online store.
Specialises in printmaking supplies.
Pooki Press: Online only.
Lever-style, portable relief printing presses. Presses from £150.
Shepherds: London shop and online.
Specialist printmaking paper suppliers.
Slama Press: Online only.
Tool for handprinting.
Thomas Petit Glass: Online only.
Glass printer’s barens for linocut or woodcut printing.
Where can I buy lino printing kits online?
These are a few links to lino printing and block printing kits. They contain everything you need to start making your own hand-carved and hand-printed lino prints. Bear in mind that the block printing inks within kits are often cheap and cheerful. At the time of writing, these are some kits I would recommend.
Lino printing kits and bundles
The linocut beginners bundle from Handprinted - Contains a choice of Caligo Safewash Ink (oil-based but water soluble) or Schmincke water-based ink, plus Japanese cutting tools, Essdee blue handle roller, traditional grey lino, a bamboo barren and printing paper.
Make your own card bundle from Handprinted - Contains SoftCut lino, Essdee lino cutters, a Versafine ink pad and blank cards.
Block printing kit for fabric and paper available from Handprinted - Contains MasterCut blocks and Versacraft Ink Pads.
Essdee, Linocut Taster Kit available from Fred Aldous
Lino printing ink sets
Printmaking and Linocut Print Books
You may also find this blog helpful. Find out more about my favourite printmaking books and magazines in my ‘Printmaking and Linocut Print Books’ blog.
I hope that helps get you started. If you need any more hints and tips, get in touch.

Would you like to learn how to make a linocut print?
Online courses
Online self-paced learning. Full access for one year so you can study at your own pace and at home. Instructional videos and step-by-step guides.
Beginners guide to linocut printing
How to make a multi-block linocut print
Linocut workshops
My linocut workshops are held in my York print studio. I teach in small groups of no more than four people so everyone gets lots of one-on-one tuition.
Introduction to linocut printing workshop
Follow on 'jigsaw' linocut printing workshop
See my linocut workshops and online courses page for links to each of my courses and workshops.
Happy linocutting!
About the author
Michelle Hughes is a North Yorkshire landscape artist. Much of her work depicts the Yorkshire landscape and Yorkshire coast, including the Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors.
Michelle loves exploring the British countryside by bike or on foot, camera in hand, capturing ideas for her next prints. In her garden studio, Michelle creates simple but stylised silhouettes based on her photographs, which she carves into lino. She then hand prints with an etching press, using oil-based inks to create tonal blocks of colour.
Michelle’s original linocut prints are limited editions.