I want to inspire you to get creative. I'll be working on involving people in simple ways of making cards at home.

Let's use our creativity to lift people’s spirits. A homemade card and handwritten note brings so much joy and brightens someone's day. A simple message, “I’m thinking of you”, “Happy birthday”, “I’m here if you need to chat” makes so much difference.
A simple message can make so much difference...
“Thank you”
“I’m thinking of you”
‘Happy birthday”
“I’m here if you need to chat”
Share with your friends, neighbours and community. Let's support each other with positive messages and art. We can have fun together and share our ideas.
On the left below is my bedroom fireplace with some cards that have great meaning. In the centre, some of the many handmade cards I've kept over the years. And on the right, my mum helping me make cards at Easter two years ago. For my first York Open Studios I think.
Share your ideas?
I'm missing teaching linocut workshops. I get so much joy from seeing the delight on someones face, when they create a linocut print for the very first time. I’m missing that right now. I hope to create an online gallery for all your creations. Anonymous of course.
If you'd like your's adding please contact me a message via email.
Feeling inspired?
If I’ve inspired you to be more creative in these challenging times please do share. It really does brighten my day. Tag me on Facebook and Instagram @MichelleHughesDesign or Twitter @Design_York or use the hashtags #GetCreativeWithMichelle #michellehughes
Linocut Tools and Supplies
What tools and equipment do you need to make a linocut print?
See my linocut tools and equipment blog for 10 Essential Tools for Linocut Printing for beginners and links to supplies that sell them online.
Where can I buy linocut tools and materials in York?
In York Hawthorn Printmaking Supplies sell linocut tools and Soft Cut lino. Blossom Street Gallery sell water based printing inks and Essdee tools. I’m sure both will be able to deliver by post and possibly drop orders off in York.
Where can I buy linocut tools and materials online?
You can buy lino printing kits & supplies online at Hawthorn Printmaking Supplies, Handprinted UK and Jackson’s Arts Supplies as well as other online art shops.
What are the best linocut tools to use?
Which type of lino is best for linocut printing?
What are the best printing inks for linocut printing?
See my linocut tools and equipment blog for everything you need to start making your very own hand-carved and hand printed linocut prints.
Linocut Tutorials and Courses
Do you do online linocut workshops?
I will be offering a selection of online tutorials and step by step guides such as 'How to make a linocut for beginners'.
To be first to hear about these please join my mailing list. There is a link my contact page or let me know. To give you a flavour of what's to come have a look at my workshops page.
This may seem counterintuitive but there are loads of great 'How to make a linocut print' videos on YouTube online. So until I'm able to launch my new online linocut courses, just have a search online.
Printmaking and Linocut Print Books
I can highly recommend these linocut and block printing books to be delivered to your home. Read my Printmaking and Linocut Print Books blog for details.
See how I make my linocut prints...
You can see step by step examples of how I make my linocut prints in my blog section Studio Diary.
One of my most complex designs is Whitby Steps. My Whitby Steps - The story behind the print blog shows the whole process from the photographic inspiration, to sketch, to carving the linocut blocks and to printing finished design.
Need inspiration?
I've started a series of blogs with lots of photos on to inspire you. The first is Michelle's Garden Diary.
Don't forget I'm also on Pinterest @MichelleHughesDesign
I've just had a good sort out, to make things easier to find. Hands up, I'm addicted and a bit of a Pinterest hoarder!
You'll find sections such as 'Simple one colour linocut prints', 'Reduction linocut prints' and 'How to make a linocut print. I'll be adding to these weekly.
Coming soon...
If you THINK you can’t draw I hope to be providing downloadable templates soon. I'm looking at inventive ways of using other materials around your home to create prints. I’ll also be looking at ways kids can get involved too, to inspire all your budding artists.
And lastly I love playing with collage. It's much freer, more playful and quicker than linocut. So I'd like to share how I do that with you too.
I'll update this blog as soon as I have new things available. Watch this space!
To be first to hear about my latest designs, inspiration and workshops please join my mailing list or let me know.
I always love to hear your feedback on my blogs. Especially in these uncertain times. Please do comment below.
Thank you
Happy printing!
About the artist
Michelle Hughes is a North Yorkshire landscape artist. Much of her work depicts the Yorkshire landscape and Yorkshire coast, including the Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors.
Michelle loves exploring the British countryside by bike or on foot, camera in hand, capturing ideas for her next prints. Back in her garden studio, Michelle creates simple but stylised silhouettes based on her photographs, and hand carves these shapes into lino. She hand prints with an etching press, using oil-based inks to create tonal blocks of colour. Michelle’s original linocut prints are limited editions.
Keep in touch
Keep up to date with work in progress and positive messages on....
My newsletter join my mailing list. There is also a link my contact page or let me know.
My website and online shop michelehughes.co.uk and michellehughesdesign.com
Instagram @ MichelleHughesDesign
Facebook @ MichelleHughesDesign
Twitter @ Design_York
YouTube @ MichelleHughesDesign
Pinterest @MichelleHughesDesign